January 18, 2022

written by: Jessica Akemon


Hello world! A New DIY Blog Is Here!

Home design
Sharing our home journey and family happenings through storytelling and connections. Wherever you are in your life, we want to help inspire you to create a home that's intentional, and uniquely you!

First of all, if you’re reading this, THANK YOU! Thanks for being here, for your time, and more importantly for your ongoing love and support. Did you know writing, “Hello World” is actually a tradition that started in 1972 by a computer science engineer, and is the first thing you write when learning computer programming? Listen, before creating my DIY blog, Mrsjessicadarling.com the only “web design” experience I had was Myspace (RIP), but let me tell ya…I’ve been bit by the web design bug and I am LOVING learning about this world! 

What’s Next On The MJD DIY Blog

We have so many plans and dreams for what this blog can offer and become, and I cannot wait to share all our ideas with you. From behind the scenes on our DIY projects, what Jeff’s cookin’ in Dale’s Diner, fashion for the entire family, and our casual lifestyle — I’m looking forward to sharing and connecting even more with you! Secondly, I also want to hear from you! If there’s something I can do to make your experience here easier, please don’t hesitate to send me a note with your suggestion or request! 

I’d also like to acknowledge my newfound respect for website developers + designers (insert brain exploding emoji) because this has been quite the humbling experience, and I’ve had a rollercoaster of a time trying to learn how to build this site! Turns out, DIY website designer isn’t a skill you can learn overnight, ha! That being said, please bear with me while I continue to learn, as I’m *still* trying to sort out how on EARTH I can fix the photo where our heads are cut off at the top of this post, or why some buttons still aren’t working…but it’s all fiiiiiiiiine. I’m fiiiiiiine. 

A Favor

In the meantime, could ya, would ya pretty please head on over to my newsletter and sign up to become the best of pals, and basically neighbors?  I promise not to spam you (honestly at this point even if I wanted to, I have no clue how I’d do it, so I promise you’re safe)!

Also, why do I feel pressure to have some kind of special sign off right now?! I’m not exactly sure how to end this…is this where I talk about the bacon pants? no? IYKYK. I guess we’ll go with, 

Love ya, mean it!


mrsjessicadarling solo photo in her living room wearing a floral dress

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SHARING our home journey and family happenings through STORYTELLING
and connections.

let's tell our stories together