First of all, today feels like the best day to finally share, because EVERYTHING will be on sale between now and Monday!
I think it’s also important to start this clean skincare topic off with a few disclaimers. Most importantly, I am NOT a skincare professional. I’m simply sharing my own personal opinions on what products I’ve found work best for me. Products that I genuinely feel and see a difference within my own skin.
I’m also not claiming to live a 100% toxin free lifestyle (not even close). I am however on a journey to learn how we can easily make safer swaps in the products we use daily. My hope is to decrease daily body burden, while increasing our health and well being (which goes far beyond only skincare!).
While I think it’s extremely kind of you complimenting my skin, I’d like to remind you of two things. First, I’d say 50% of the time on IG stories, I’m using the “Paris” filter. It’s no secret, and personally think it’s very obvious when a filter is being used (but still important to address). Some days I feel more confident to just show up as I am, hashtag no filter style (like this morning as I storied in a robe, bedhead, puffy eyes and clearly zero make up), and other days when I’m not feeling as confident, using the Paris filter makes me feel a little less, blah. Ya feel me?
Secondly, I feel very lucky that I’ve never dealt with any serious skin issues growing up. I also never really used products, besides overusing Clean and Clear Morning Burst Scrub as a teen — but who didn’t!? What I’m saying is, genetics play a role (I get it from my Momma?!), so I can’t give all the credit to skincare products. Lastly, my skin is NOT perfect. Period. Dot.
Okay, I think you get the point — so let’s get to it! I can’t wait to share my favorite clean beauty brand and products with you!

I was first introduced to Crunchi in 2017 by my dear friend and old neighbor, Gretchen. Not only does she have a powerful personal story of her clean living journey, but she continues to be an incredible resource, advocate and champion for helping others do the same. She’s a real gem, and her positivity is contagious!
Here are the FACTS: Crunchi products are toxin free, made with certified organic/eco-cert ingredients, consciously packaged (and gorgeous I might add), vegan/vegetarian, cruelty free, gluten free, non-gmo, and made in the USA. Doesn’t get better than that!
I started off using their clean beauty makeup line (check back for more on that soon!) but more recently cannot, and I repeat, CAN NOT get enough of their clean skincare line. Over the years I admittingly haven’t been consistent with washing my face at night, gross, I know. However, once I started using the Crunchi Skincare — it’s truly become the part of my day I look forward to, morning and night!

When I tell you I’m obsessed, I literally take it with me ANYWHERE I go. Whether it’s an overnight date somewhere or a full blown vacation — it’s coming with me! On my recent trip to L.A and S.F., I had both my cousins try the entire regimen, and they both loved it! They both mentioned how hydrated their faces felt afterwards, and especially appreciated the safe ingredients since one of them is pregnant!

By the way, here’s my cute teak soap tray, the stone tray where I keep all my Crunchi goodies, and the pretty faux stems!

Below is a step by step of each item I use, morning and night! If I had to choose my favorite step, I’d say it’s the…actually no, I can’t pick just one. They are ALL MY FAVORITE and better together!

I’m so excited to finally share my love of Crunchi with you all! I’ve been a customer for many years, and now I’m excited to join the Crunchi advocates, and be a part of the clean beauty movement! Please let me know if you have any questions below. I’d love to help you make safer swaps, and feel confident about your skin, too! You can shop all the Crunchi goodness HERE at my shop!